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Health Care Consent and Capacity Assessment Tribunals Project – Seeking a Model For British Columbia

Health Care Consent and Capacity Assessment Tribunals Project – Seeking a Model For British Columbia

Research project on tribunals that review assessments of mental incapability to give or refuse consent to health care or admission to a hospital or other care facility, and that resolve disputes related to substitute decision making for persons who are assessed as mentally incapable of consenting.

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produced by
Canadian Centre for Elder Law (CCEL) and British Columbia Law Institute (BCLI)
produced in
last reviewed
October 2020 i Last date reviewed by a qualified expert to ensure content up-to-date. See "Tips" in Clicklaw content criteria (bottom of pageside menu) for details.
resource type
reports & documents
dementia, informed consent, substitute decision making, mental capacity, health care consent, access to justice, public legal education, law reform, long-term care, supported decision-making, Health Care Consent and Care Facility Admission Act, Residential Care Regulation