Crime & Victims
Find information on criminal law and victim services published by non-profit organizations, the government, and legal professionals in BC. Each topic includes online guides and tools selected by our librarians.
In this section
Crimes & offences
People accused of a crime have rights. The penalties for crimes and offences depend on how severe the offence was.
Criminal court
In criminal court, judges or juries decide on cases about an alleged criminal offence.
For people in prison
Learn about how to navigate the legal system and get legal help when you’re in detention.
For victims of crime
Victims of crime have rights. There are resources that can help you cope with the aftermath of your experience.
Gladue & Indigenous Courts
Learn about the options available to you if you’re an Indigenous person in criminal court.
What can we help you find?
Legal help in BC
Brydges Line
Legal Aid BC
A province-wide toll-free telephone service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to provide criminal law advice. You can call to speak to a lawyer if you’re arrested, detained, or under active investigation by the police or another law enforcement agency for a criminal offence, but not yet charged, and in need of emergency legal services.

Provincial Court criminal duty counsel
Legal Aid BC
Lawyers who can help you in Provincial Court if you’re charged with a crime, and can’t get a legal aid lawyer, or haven’t yet applied for legal aid. They can give you advice about the charges, court procedures, and your legal rights, and can represent you at a bail hearing. If there’s time, duty counsel can help with a guilty plea.

Government of British Columbia
Provides information and referral services to all victims of crime and immediate crisis support to victims of family and sexual violence, including victims of human trafficking exploited for labour or sexual services. It’s a toll-free, confidential, multilingual service available across BC and the Yukon 24 hours a day, seven days a week.