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The Development of Parenting Coordination and an Examination of Policies and Practices in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta

The Development of Parenting Coordination and an Examination of Policies and Practices in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta

A review of the development of parenting coordination in the US & its adoption in Canada, and the findings of the research available to date on parenting coordination, its efficacy in resolving parenting disputes, its efficacy in steering such disputes out of court & its impact on parental conflict.

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produced by
Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family
produced in
last reviewed
December 2017 i Last date reviewed by a qualified expert to ensure content up-to-date. See "Tips" in Clicklaw content criteria (bottom of pageside menu) for details.
resource type
reports & documents
parenting coordination, parental conflict, co-parenting, parenting time, child-focused alternative dispute resolution process, parenting plan