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HIGH STAKES: The impacts of child care on the human rights of women and children

HIGH STAKES: The impacts of child care on the human rights of women and children

This report is grounded in diverse women’s real-life stories about how the inadequacy of the child care system has impacted them and their children—undermining their safety, well-being, & human rights. The report analyzes the legal implications of these harms and calls for urgent government action.

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West Coast LEAF
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last reviewed
January 2016 i Last date reviewed by a qualified expert to ensure content up-to-date. See "Tips" in Clicklaw content criteria (bottom of pageside menu) for details.
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reports & documents
childcare, rights of children & teens, right to parent, legal rights, BC, Economic Security, immigrants, disabilities, Law reform, human rights, human rights research, women, research about women, women's equality, violence against women
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