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Common Questions

What rights do victims have in BC?

Victims of crimes have specific rights in BC. For example, they have a right to information on what victim services are available to them and how the justice system works. They also have the right to certain case-specific information on the investigation, prosecution, sentencing and release of the offender (person who committed the crime against the victim).

Victims may also be able to get financial assistance to help pay for certain things, such as certain victim support services.

Good starting points to learn more about victim rights include:

  • Victims Info, from the Justice Education Society of BC and the provincial government, is a website for victims and witnesses of crime in BC. Resources include information on victim impact statements, attending a parole hearing, testimonial accommodations, and financial assistance.
  • Help Starts Here: Information for Victims of Crime, from the provincial government, covers what you can do, where you can go for help and what you can expect.
  • LSLAP Manual: Victims, from the UBC Law Students Legal Advice Program, has detailed information about the avenues available to victims of crime.
  • You may want to see My child was a victim of crime and has to go to court, if the victim is under 18.

Need more help?

Call VictimLink BC or use the HelpMap to find a victim support worker in your community.

See our related common questions:

Last reviewed December 2017
victim support, victim's rights, victims of crime