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My home reno was a disaster. Can I sue these people?

Last reviewed in February 2023 by the Clicklaw Editors

A residential construction dispute (from the homeowner’s perspective) describes a situation in which you believe your home needs repairs or further work because faulty materials or poor design or construction processes were used.

There are different ways of solving this kind of dispute. The resources below provide information on what rights you have and what your options are.

  • Small Claims Solution Explorer, from Civil Resolution Tribunal, is a tool for helping people manage and resolve disputes in BC. Select “Construction” and explore your options through information and self-help tools.
  • Dispute Resolution, from BC Housing, includes a guide that  introduces you to dispute resolution options for people involved in residential construction disputes.
  • Home Repair Contractors, from People's Law School, provides an overview of how to choose a contractor, what to do if you are not happy with the work, and information (and links to more resources) on suing.
  • If You’re Not Happy with a Service, from People’s Law School, discusses legal rights and options available to you when you are not happy with the work someone you’ve hired has done.

Need more help?

See our related common questions:

renovations, home renos, suing, home repairs, home repair contractors