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I'm doing my own legal research as a self-represented litigant
Last reviewed in March 2023 by the Clicklaw Editors

Doing your own legal research for your court case can be intimidating, especially if you have no formal legal training. However, there is help out there for self-represented litigants (SRLs) like you. 

Am I a "self-represented litigant (SRL)"? Yes, if you do not have a lawyer and have to represent yourself. This means you have to: prepare your case and do your own legal research, learn about the court system, learn what documents to file, find the specific laws that apply to your case, and so on.

Good starting points are: We also recommend taking a look at:

Need more help?

  • Courthouse Libraries BC provides legal information service to the public via a network of libraries throughout BC. Librarians can help find legal information but cannot offer legal advice or interpret legal material.
  • If you cannot afford a lawyer, check the HelpMap for organizations that can provide you with legal information, advice, and/or referrals to other services in your community.

See our related common questions:

self-represented litigants, SRL, SRLs, defending yourself, representing yourself, legal research, legal resources, case law, presenting your case in court