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Common Questions

How can I protect my music from being ripped off?

Last reviewed in August 2022 by the Clicklaw Editors

In general, original songwriters and musicians have the right of copyright to their music, recordings and lyrics. In other words, they have the right to control copying of their work. The resources below outline how copyright works and how you can protect the copyright of your music.

Good starting points include:

  • A Guide to Copyright, from Canadian Intellectual Property Office, explains what copyright is and how to apply for copyright.
  • Music Law: Copyright & Trademarks, from People's Law School, discusses the ownership of music and lyrics, how copyright laws apply to music, and where to find more information.

Need more help?

  • Lawyer Referral Service, from Access Pro Bono, offers a free, brief initial consultation with a lawyer to determine your legal needs. If you would like further help from your lawyer, you can retain them at an agreeable rate of charge.
  • Music BC has a list of organizations that may help you with your licensing questions and needs.

See our related common questions:

trademark and copyright, music law, original music, royalty, piracy