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How can I get the best out of my lawyer?

Last reviewed in May 2023 by the Clicklaw Editors

In order to have the best experience working with your lawyer, you should know what to expect from him/her, as well as what your lawyer expects from you.

Good starting points include:

  • Overview: Get Help, from Justice Education Society of BC, has information on hiring a lawyer, free and low cost legal help, and how to prepare for a meeting with a lawyer.
  • Legal Help, from the Legal Aid BC Family Law in BC website, has a section called "Working with a Lawyer". It provides tips for working well with a lawyer, including preparing for meetings, keeping records, helping the lawyer work efficiently, and following through on your responsibilities. It also has information on what you can expect from a (family law) lawyer.
  • Working with Your Legal Aid Lawyer, from Legal Aid BC, outlines client and lawyer responsibilities to help them both know what to expect from a legal aid contract.
  • Working With a Lawyer, from the Law Society of BC, gives tips on what to do before your first meeting, during your meeting, and on keeping your costs down.

Need more help?

See our related common questions:

working well with your lawyer, legal advice, law society of bc, legal aid