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Common Questions

I’m having problems with my neighbours

Last reviewed in March 2023 by the Clicklaw Editors

Many of us have had occasional problems with neighbours. Common problems involve noise, dogs, fences, trees, or secondhand smoke. In most cases, you can try talking to the person causing the problem. They may not be aware of the effect they're having on their neighbours and talking to them may solve the problem. But if that doesn't work, you have other options.

Good starting points include:

  • Neighbour Law, from People's Law School, provides an overview of problems between neighbours involving noise, untidy premises, dogs, fences, trees and hedges, second-hand smoke, water damage, and trespass. For a complete list of guides on neighbours, click here.
  • Tenant Survival Guide, from Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre (TRAC), includes a chapter on "Living in Peace When Renting."
  • Renting it Right, from TRAC, is an online course that covers quiet enjoyment in a section called "Living in Peace".

Need more help?

  • Tenant Info Line, by TRAC, provides information, referrals and help for tenants dealing with residential tenancy law matters.
  • MediateBC has a Community Disputes program which provides mediation to resolve conflicts in a community and between neighbors. 

See our related common questions:

neighbours, noise, noisy, trees and hedges, pets, loud neighbours, tenants' rights, right to quiet enjoyment