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National Directory of Professionals Assisting SRLs

National Directory of Professionals Assisting SRLs

This directory contains the names of dozens of lawyers (as well as paralegals, and other professionals offering therapeutic support and assistance) who are willing to offer self-represented litigants (SRLs) affordable assistance, primarily in the form of unbundled legal or limited-scope services (unbundling). It is not an endorsement of any names listed. Please carry out your due diligence to ensure that you are working with the right professional to meet your needs.

Legal help & lawyers
type of service
Legal advice, representation or advocacy

All of BC
language support
service restriction
Please note that the NSRLP does not endorse or recommend any of the professionals listed in the National Directory of Professionals Assisting SRLs. We offer this service to the many individuals we know are searching for affordable, limited/ targeted legal services for informational purposes. Please carry out your own due diligence to ensure that you are working with the right professional to meet your needs.
Last updated September 27, 2023