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Mediate BC Roster Office

Mediate BC Roster Office

Provides directories of civil, family and child protection mediators across BC. All mediators have the training and experience to qualify for Mediate BC’s Rosters, and have agreed to follow our Standards of Conduct. Mediators offer service in various languages and set their own fees, as listed in their profiles on the website. Also provides information about the mediation process, resources, related organizations, training opportunities, and developments in the field.

Abuse & family violence; Accidents & injuries; Alternatives to court; Business & non-profits; Children & teens; Conflict resolution; Disabilities; Employment; Family law; Health; Housing, tenancy & neighbours; Immigrants & refugees; Indigenous Peoples; Information or self-help; Seniors; Wills & estates; Women
type of service
Conflict resolution; Information or self-help

1-877-656-1300 ext. 100
All of BC
language support
Last updated March 31, 2021