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Common Questions

I think I was sexually harassed. What can I do?
Last reviewed in April 2023 by the Clicklaw Editors.

Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment can happen to any gender or between members of the same sex.

The law that applies to a sexual harassment complaint varies depending on your situation, such as whether it happened in a workplace or between a landlord and a tenant.

Good starting points include:
  • Human Rights in BC: Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment, from the Government of BC, provides definition of sexual harassment and tells you how to determine if you have a human rights complaint and where to get help. .
  • Rights at Work, from Dial-A-Law, has a guide called Sexual Harassment. This guide explains the types of sexual harassment prohibited by the BC Human Rights Code and what you can do if someone sexually harasses you.
  • Safety at Work, from People's Law School, has a guide called If You Are Sexually Harassed at Work. This guide can help you learn more about workplace sexual harassment and the steps you can take to deal with it.
  • Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, from People’s Law School, is a webinar that discusses what workplace sexual harassment is, what options are available to you, and where you can go to find support.

Need more help?

  • BC Human Rights Clinic: The BCHRC can provide you with information on what protections are provided in the BC Human Rights Code and help you determine if your issue or concern falls under Code provisions. They can also offer practical suggestions that may help to resolve your issue, or in the event that you choose to file a formal human rights claim, provide information about how to proceed and what to expect.
  • SHARP Workplaces Legal Clinic, from Community Legal Assistance Society, provides up to five hours of free legal advice from a lawyer to anyone in BC who is experiencing or has experienced sexual harassment at work.
  • Respect at Work Legal Clinic, from Migrant Workers Centre, provides legal advice to newcomers to Canada who have faced or are facing sexual harassment in the workplace.
  • Lawyer Referral Service, from Access Pro Bono, offers a free, brief initial consultation with a lawyer to determine your legal needs. If you would like further help from your lawyer, you can retain them at an agreeable rate of charge.

See our related common questions:

human rights complaints, sexual harassment, workers compensation, sex discrimination