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My ex stopped paying child support when he moved out of province

Last reviewed in April 2023 by the Clicklaw Editors.

When a person who is supposed to pay maintenance support stops making those payments, they owe a debt to the person who is supposed to get the payments. The money owed is called arrears. There are two ways to collect arrears:

Good starting points include:

  • Enforcing Support Orders and Agreement, from People's Law School, can help you learn more about what you can do to enforce payments owed under a support order or agreement. 
  • Enforcing Orders Outside BC, from the BC government, is a resource that you can use if a payor lives outside BC.
  • Court Orders, from Legal Aid BC, has a section called "When more than one province or country is involved." It describes situations that can come up when a parent in a family law matter is outside BC.

Need more help?

See our related common questions:

enforcement of support, child support, party living outside BC, interjurisdictional issues, Family Maintenance Enforcement Program (FMEP), arrears, maintenance payments