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Common Questions

I think someone stole my personal information. What can I do?
Last reviewed in February 2023 by the Clicklaw Editors

Identity theft happens when someone gets your personal information without your permission. Some examples of personal information are full name, date of birth, Social Insurance Number, and credit card information.

Identity fraud happens when someone uses it for criminal purposes. Some examples of these criminal activities are using your information to apply for a credit card, making purchases using your credit card information, and cashing your cheques.

You may suspect that you are a victim of identity theft or fraud. When that happens, you can take some actions depending on your situation. 
Good starting points include:
  • Scams to Avoid, from People’s Law School, has a section called “If You've Been Scammed”. It tells you some steps to take to prevent further problems.
  • Identity Theft and You, from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, has tips on protecting your personal information. It also explains what a victim of identity theft can do.

Need more help?

  • Call VictimLink BC at 1-800-563-0808 (toll-free). They provide information and referral services to all victims of crime.
  • Call the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501 (toll-free). You can report a scam or a fraud incident, or ask for more information about scams.

See our related common questions:

credit card fraud, debit card fraud, stolen credit card, stolen debit card, identity fraud, stolen identity, identity theft, lost my identity, stole my identity