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Common Questions

What can I do about faulty repairs to my vehicle?

Last reviewed in February 2023 by the Clicklaw Editors

Both the repair shop and yourself (as a consumer) have certain legal rights and responsibilities. The resources below provide information on what to do if you disagree about the cost or quality of the work done on your vehicle.

Good starting points include:

  • Car Sales and Repairs, from People's Law School, has a guide called Problem with a Car Repair that you can use to learn about your rights and options.
  • Vehicle Repair Consumer Tips, from the Better Business Bureau of Mainland British Columbia, has some tips about what to do in case of a dispute over repairs to a vehicle.

Need more help?

  • Consumer Protection BC may be able to help depending on your situation. Call 1-888-564-9963 (toll-free) and press 2.
  • If you have explored your options and now want to seek advice from a lawyer, contact Lawyer Referral Service from Access Pro Bono. They offer a free, brief initial consultation with a lawyer to determine your legal needs. If you would like further help from your lawyer, you can retain them at an agreeable rate of charge.

See our related common questions:

car repairs, faulty car repairs, car repair disputes, auto, auto body shop, motor vehicle, damage