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Common Questions

We are separating and want to cooperate about settling the finances

Last reviewed in April 2023 by the Clicklaw Editors

Many people are able to work together fairly and amicably to settle their divorce. Instead of going to court, mediation or a collaborative law process can be used to settle issues.

Good starting points include:

See the related Common Question, "How can mediation help me with a separation (divorce) agreement?"

Need more help?

  • Family Justice Centres, from the provincial government, has family justice counsellors who can help parents resolve disagreements without going to court. They provide short-term counselling, mediation, and referrals, but not legal advice.
  • Family LawLINE, from Legal Aid BC, provides legal advice about family law issues for low-income people.
  • Mediate BC has a list of qualified family mediators. Some mediators may offer services on a sliding scale or probono. Contact the mediator to enquire.
  • Lawyer Referral Service, from Access Pro Bono, can help you find a suitable legal professional to resolve your legal problems.
  • Pro Bono Collaborative Divorce Project, from BC Collaborative Roster Society, provides their service for parties who are willing to meet and negotiate using the principles of collaborative practice but are unable to afford the collaborative team for their case. Apply online to be considered. 
  • Find more help near you on Clicklaw HelpMap. 

See our related common questions:

mediation, collaborative dispute resolution, collaborative family law, resolving disputes without going to court, alternative dispute resolution