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How do I apply for a pardon (record suspension)?

Last reviewed in April 2023 by the Clicklaw Editors

A record suspension (formerly a pardon) allows people with a criminal record to have it set aside. This helps them access employment and educational opportunities and to reintegrate into society.

A record suspension removes a person's criminal record from the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) database.

Good starting points include:

  • Criminal Records and Applying for a Record Suspension, from Dial-A-Law, has information on criminal records, including how to apply for a record suspension. This guide also explains the effects of criminal record suspension as well as who can apply for one.
  • Record Suspensions, from the Parole Board of Canada, introduces what record suspensions are. It has a link to the Criminal Records Act as well as basic examples of when a pardon can be denied or cancelled.
  • Parole Board-Publications and Forms, from the Parole Board of Canada, has links to fact sheets, forms and more.

See our related common questions:

pardon, criminal records, application forms, record suspension