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I have to do my own judicial review

Last reviewed in May 2023 by the Clicklaw Editors

In a judicial review, the Supreme Court of BC can set aside a decision of a governmental body. In most cases, this is a tribunal. A tribunal is a special body or board that can hear complaints and make decisions in a specialized area of the law. To bring a judicial review, a number of court documents have to be prepared, filed in court, and copies given to various people. These documents include a petition and affidavit.

Good starting points include:

  • What is a Judicial Review?, from the Community Legal Assistance Society, is a self-help guide with information on how to represent yourself in a judicial review in the Supreme Court. 
  • LSLAP Manual: Public Complaints Procedures, from the UBC Law Students Legal Advice Program, has a section on review of Provincial Court and tribunal decisions.

Need more help?

  • Community Law Program, by CLAS, provides legal advice and assistance on judicial reviews to low-income individuals, generally to appeal a decision. You can also submit your question using their online form.
  • Find more help near you on Clicklaw HelpMap.

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