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Common Questions

I’m selling my home

Last reviewed in August 2022 by the Clicklaw Editors

Selling your home is one of the biggest financial transactions of your life. It is one that may include a number of legal aspects, such as an agreement with the realtor listing your home, a contract with the eventual purchaser of your home, and mortgage arrangements.

Good starting points include:

  • Selling Your House, from People's Law School, has basic information about listing arrangements, agent commissions, issues if you have a mortgage, and what is included in the sale.
  • Selling a Home in British Columbia, from BC Financial Services Authority, describes the process of selling a home, including your relationship with the real estate licensee, listing contracts, offers to purchase, and completing the sale.

Need more help?

  • Lawyer Referral Service, from Access Pro Bono, offers a free, brief initial consultation with a lawyer to determine your legal needs. If you would like further help from your lawyer, you can retain them at an agreeable rate of charge. You can ask for a lawyer who specializes in real estate.

See our related common questions:

selling a home, selling a house