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I am trying to set up a trust for someone who has a disability

Last reviewed in April 2023 by the Clicklaw Editors.

If you are concerned about meeting disability-related costs (now and in the future), and if you also have concerns about maintaining your eligibility for disability assistance, you may want to set up a trust. Trusts can help persons with disabilities and their families protect their assets..

Good starting points for learning more about trusts include:

  • Trusts, from the Government of BC, has information on several topics including but not limited to types of trusts, how to set trusts up, trust payments and more.
  • Disability Assistance and Trusts, from the Government of BC, provides overview information about what a trust is, how a trust is set up, and how it can make payments.
  • Trusts for People Receiving the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Benefit, from Disability Alliance BC, is a factsheet that explains what a trust is, who can set one up, and how they work.
  • Future Planning Tool, from Plan Institute, guides you through the steps of building a personal plan to secure the future for you or anyone with a disability. One of the planning topics is trusts, where you can learn about trusts, Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), Qualified Disability Trust (QDT), and finding professional advice.

Need more help?

  • Plan Institute has workshops on Wills, Trusts & Estates Planning. The setting is a small group where specific individual questions are answered. Each session is co-facilitated by an attorney, along with a PLAN parent. You have to register and pay a fee for this workshop.
  • Advocacy Access Program, from Disability Alliance BC, provides assistance for people with disabilities. They can direct you to community organizations that may provide information about trusts to you.
  • You may need a lawyer to set up your trust. Lawyer Referral Service, from Access Pro Bono, offers a free, brief initial consultation with a lawyer to determine your legal needs. If you would like further help from your lawyer, you can retain them at an agreeable rate of charge.
  • Find more help near you on Clicklaw HelpMap.

See our related common questions:

trusts, trusts for people with disabilities, people with disabilities (PWD)