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Common Questions

We can't agree about who the children should live with

Last reviewed in March 2023 by the Clicklaw Editors.

When a couple with children separates, they must make important decisions about the children. They must decide where the children will now live and how each parent can continue to be involved in their lives.

Good starting points include:

If there is abuse in the family, see the common question What happens with parenting of the children in cases of spousal abuse?

Need more help?

  • Legal Aid BC's Family LawLINE provides legal advice about family law issues for low-income people.
  • Family Justice Centres has family justice counsellors who can help parents resolve disagreements without going to court. They provide short-term counselling, mediation, and referrals, but not legal advice.
  • Mediate BC has a directory of qualified family mediators. Some mediators may offer services on a sliding scale or pro-bono. Contact the mediator to enquire.
  • People's Law School has a Directory off Lawyers for unbundled legal services.
  • Access Pro Bono's Lawyer Referral Service can help you find a suitable legal professional to resolve your legal problems.
  • Find more help near you on Clicklaw HelpMap.

See our related common questions:

parenting arrangements, parenting plan, contact, rights of children & teens