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Mediate BC Society

Mediate BC Society is a not-for-profit society committed to providing people with practical, accessible and affordable choices to prevent, manage and resolve disputes. It is your go-to hub for mediation information, services and programs. Mediate BC manages a list of qualified civil and family mediators as well as information about the mediators on British Columbia's Child Protection Mediation Program Roster.

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Online Resources

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A Case for Mediation: The Cost-Effectiveness of Civil, Family, and Workplace Mediation

This report gathers evidence that the use of mediation to resolve civil (including small claims), family and workplace disputes is cost-effective and can save people, businesses and money.
View PDF from Mediate BC Society

Mediate BC Reports and Publications

Mediate BC reports, recommendations, research and discussion papers submitted to government and industry partners.
View website from Mediate BC Society